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A gallery of photos from Minsk.
A collection of Photos of us and our Belarussian parteners,
so you can see the students your donations are helping
Also included are photos of Minsk and photos of the other groups we interacted with.


A typical shop in central Minsk.

Painting the walls of a school for children with sight problems.

3 of the Belarussian party
with our "carridge" for the week.

A view across the suburbs of Minsk

A rural village just outside Minsk

The majority of the population of Minsk live in Flat blocks like this
The average family home consists of
1 bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen.
All rooms are tiny.

Conference group and exchange partners outside Minsk circus.

Some of the Belarussian conference group

A Belarussian Singalong.

Atem from Belarus

Marta from the Ukraine
(she's gonna kill me when she sees this)

Marianna from Belarus

The "Palace of Youth" theatre

The Ukranian group onstage

Signing a board to state what we learnt during the conference.

a sample photo from freeservers
that refuses to be deleted

The German Group

Tim from Germany